AST (JIBC Advanced Security Course)

AST Course General Information:

  • The advanced security training course (AST) is a 24 hour course that was developed by the Justice Institute of British Columbia and the Security Programs and Security Programs Division of the British Columbia Ministry of Justice.
  • The course is designed for security professionals who, in the course of their duties may need to employ force response options or use restraints when confronted by high-risk, resistant or violent individuals.
  • These security professionals include but are not limited to loss prevention personnel, hospitals, door persons at licensed liquor establishments, and security personnel at airports and school campuses.
  • The goal of this course is to enable participants to safely, effectively, and lawfully restrain and control resistant or assaultive individuals who may have contravened a law or policy and whose behaviour poses a risk to themselves and others.
  • The registrar will authorize only a licensee holding a security worker license to carry and use restraining devices. This authority will be indicated as a condition on the security worker’s license.


                     Ast 2s           


              Douglas College Campus,  located at 700 Royal Avenue (at 8th Street), New Westminster, BC

                                       ☑  Click on below link to get information about the New Westminster Campus:   

AST COURSE FEE = $399.74
        (Everything included)

Fee breakdown:

  $295.00 AST course fee
  $60.71 JIBC written exam fee.
  $23.15   JIBC student manual
  5% GST tax

 ☑  AST Course Schedule:

Day 1:  Saturday,  February 8, 2025  from 08:30 to 20:30 hrs.
Day 2:  Sunday,  February 9,  2025   from 08:30 to 19:00 hrs.

Please note the following:

   Our next AST course is schedued for February 8 & 9, 2025.

  If you are interested in taking the February 8 & 9 course, please complete/submit to us today the online registration form.

  We only have four (4) seats left for this course. 

  Do not pay the course fee until we email you and ask you to do so.

   All written AST course and/or AST re-certification course information on our website is subject to change without prior notice. 


Information how to complete the AST course registration form:


1. Click the icon “REGISTER” (It is a hyperlink)

2. Another page will open up,  then click on  “AST or Recertification” (It is a hyperlink)

3. Fill out the registration form.

4. Make sure you fill out all the fields and make no mistake, please. If you don’t have the BST number then type in your security worker incidence in the box which askes for your BST number. Any incomplete registration we’ll return them to the sender!

5. Complete on the bottom of the registration form “I AM NOT A ROBOT.”

6. Click on “SEND”  (This will automatically forward the completed form to us via email)

7. Lastly check out this AST home page and familiarize yourself with all the information (e.g. Date, time including all  important registration and payment information below.).

8. As soon as we receive the completed registration form from you, we’ll get back to you how/when/where to pay the course fee.

9. Please note, when we ask you in our reply email to pay the course fee, DO NOT WAIT, because we’ll give your seat to another student who has registered and is anxiously awaiting to make the payment!!)


Register  (Hyperlink)

   Complete/submit our ON LINE AST Course registration application form by clicking on the above “REGISTER” hyperlink.

   If you have problems completing the registration form, please send us an email with your contact information and we’ll get back to you ASAP!.



Submit Payment  (Hyperlink)

  OPTION # 1  =   Pay the fee ON LINE by CREDIT CARD via PayPal (e.g. Visa, MasterCard). 

  OPTION # 2 =   Pay the fee by  Certified Cheque or Bank Draft or Money Order payable to DWK Consulting.  


We instruct the AST RE-certification course for a period of 10 hours on a Sunday. When we  offer the re-certification we’ll post the dates on this page.  DO not send us a payment for the re-certification  course unless we ask you to  so. (We do not provide a refund!)

  1. The curriculum for the AST Re certification Course was developed by the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) and the Security Programs Division of the BC Ministry of Justice.
  2. This course is designed to have course participants review and be examined in all academic and physical skill training areas taught in the 24 hour AST course.
  3. Participants must attend all ten (10) hours of the AST Re certification course and successfully complete the course.
  4. The AST Re-certification course fee is “NON REFUNDABLE”!
  5. You will need to email us a copy of your JIBC AST certificate ( we require a copy of the JIBC AST certificate to ascertain the JIBC expiration date!)


☑  AST 10-HOUR RE-CERTIFICATION SCHEULE = January 12, 2025  from 9am-7pm.


   The $205.00 does not include the following fees:

 ☑ JIBC $65.00 exam fee,
☑ $30.00  student manual
 ☑  5% GST 

   There is no fee for the JIBC student manual if you have your own copy.

   We’ll accept ONLY TWO (2) students for the AST Re certificate for this course

  We’ offer the AST Re certification course for a duration of 10 hours on the Sunday (We post the date when we offer an AST Re-certification course on this page).

  You must be in possession of the JIBC issued AST and BST Course Certificates (You need to email us a copy of your AST certificate so that we can determine the expiration date).

  You are required to produce two (2) valid picture ID.

  If you do not have the  AST Course Certificates you will need to contact the JIBC.

  All written AST Re certification information on this web site is subject to change without prior notice.

Register (AST Re-cert Course)
Submit Payment (AST Re-cert Course)