
  • This dynamic program is designed for committed students who wish to participate in physically challenging training.
  • The program is ideal for individuals who are presently employed or are pursuing a career in law enforcement, first responder and private security industry interested in maintaining present level and acquiring new skills/knowledge pertaining to use of force, conflict resolution/de-escalation and personal safety.
  •  This professionally instructed program is instructed in different modules virtual online- academic instructions (ZOOM) and in a classroom physical training. 
  • We offer the program as follows:
    • Personal Trainer basis on a tri-semester basis in the Fall, Winter & Spring for 1-4 students once per week.
    • Small Group of 4-8 students in the evening or on weekends.
    • At our Client’s Place of Business (4-8 employees) either during the lunch hour or after right work. (If you have a business interested to have our instructors provide this unique service at your workplace, please contact us).

5. The following is a video from one of our previous BLITZ DT training sessions.



If you are interested in participating, please contact us and we’ll get back to you.

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